- Título:
"The #YoSoy132 movement and the struggle for media democratization in Mexico"
- Autor:
TRERÉ Emiliano
- Editor:
University of Bedfordshire
- Fecha:
- Tipo:
- Idioma:
- Descripción:
Reino Unido
In this article, we analyze through a political economy of communication lens the historical and political contexts in which the #YoSoy132 movement emerged, the concentration of Mexican media system and the possibilities offered by social media to young people, situating the issue of media democratization at the centre of the #YoSoy132 struggle. Drawing on two groups and four individual interviews, we also focus on the dimension of student´s communication practices in order to provide a more nuanced evaluation of the role played by digital media inside the movement.
- Materia:
Tecnologías de la información
Movimientos sociales
Participación política
Políticas de comunicación
- Fuente:
Convergence. The international Journal of Research into New Media Technologies
- Anexos:
- 6582.pdf (224.4KB)
- Documento número 6582
- Actualizado el jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014 08:09:09 a. m.
- Enlace directo a este documento