- Resultado de buscar: creator:"GONZÁLEZ EGEA Álvaro"
- Se encontró 1 documento.
- Título:
The Family Planning Program in Mexico: a communicational analysis
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- Descripción:
Uncontrolled population growth has encouraged the Mexican government, to launch an ambitious family-planning program This thesis argues that the setbacks 'which family planning in Mexico has encountered are primarily the result of communicational problems. Communication within the Mexican family-planning program is analyzed on two levels. The macro-Ievel examines the institutions involved in the program (state and national departments and agencies) and,"the flow of communication between them. Systems and organizational theories are used to analyze the relationships between different components of the program. The micro-level focuses on the way in which family-planning information is transmitted to the Mexican couple, and on interpersonal communication between them. Comunication within the immediate social environment of the couple (friends, community members, etc.) Is likewise examined. At this level, diffusion and network theories of communication flow and interpersonal influence provide the central framework of analysis.
- Documento número 8273
- Actualizado el miércoles, 17 de junio de 2020 07:41:26 p. m.
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