- Resultado de buscar: creator:"HICKERSON Andrea A."
- Se encontró 1 documento.
- Título:
"Media use and transnational political and civic participation: a case study of Mexicans in the USA"
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- Descripción:
Although communication is largely understood as a prerequisite for transnational activity, little research explores exactly how transnational communities use media and what the implications of media use are for transnational civic and political participation. Research from communication studies suggests that media can affect civic and political participation in various, sometimes contradictory ways. In an effort to merge literature from transnational and communication studies, in this study I focus on the case of Mexicans in the USA, offering secondary analyses of two datasets concerning their communication habits and civic and political participation in Mexico. Results suggest differential effects on participation based on preferences for certain media and pre-existing attitudes.
- Documento número 8218
- Actualizado el domingo, 14 de junio de 2020 07:06:55 p. m.
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