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- Título:
"Constructing knowledge societies: Public Communication of Science (PCS) as a cultural practice of the scientific community in Mexico"
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- Descripción:
Knowledge societies require Public Communication of Science (PCS) to become a cultural practice of the scientific community. Communicating scientific work, and promoting critical thinking, provides society with better elements to identify and solve their problems, make appropriate decisions to their particular situation, and take part in the use, promotion and regulation of scientific knowledge and its application. To know how researchers in Mexico establish these kinds of practices, we designed an exploratory quantitative study, based on a survey among members of the National Researchers System (SNI). The results of a sample equivalent to 20 percent of the SNI showed that participants consider it important to communicate their research to audiences outside academia but they pointed out, there are not enough funds or forums to accomplish it. From their point of view, evaluations do not take into account properly these activities. Another relevant point was the need to include Public Communication of Science (PCS) in the study plans of scientific careers, and the public’s participation in the definition of policies related to science and technology (S&T). Notwithstanding, researchers’ answers reflected that even though they are interested in social engagement, their communication with particular sectors (indigenous communities, politicians, NGO’s, and other groups) is still weak. They perceive science outreach as an opportunity to educate people, but not yet as a commitment to discuss with the public their concerns regarding science and its applications in society.
- Anexos:
- 7006.pdf (1MB)
- Documento número 7006
- Actualizado el viernes, 20 de enero de 2017 10:35:43 a. m.
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