- Resultado de buscar: creator:"SAENZ DE MIERA BERGLIND Óscar"
- Se encontró 1 documento.
- Título:
"The Effect of Zero-Rating on Mobile Broadband Demand: An Empirical Approach and Potential Implications"
- Autor:
- Colaborador:
(Centro de Estudios–Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones)
- Fecha:
- Descripción:
Zero-rating, a popular practice in which certain services or applications are exempted from data charges, has motivated a debate within the broader topic of net neutrality. Advocates claim that it can be a driver of broadband adoption in less favored regions and population segments, and opponents argue that it entails socially undesirable outcomes. A growing body of literature supports these diverging positions, but empirical evidence and critical assessments are scarce. Therefore, this paper presents a regression model to provide empirical proof of the effect of zero-rating on the demanded quantity of mobile broadband. Results demonstrate that consumers are better off with zero-rating in terms of estimated consumer surplus. Because this evidence addresses only one side of an issue that should be analyzed in a multisided market framework, further theoretical implications are discussed. A key conclusion is that zero-rating can be associated with socially desirable outcomes, and, even though zero-rating also entails the potential for adverse consequences, the results advise caution regarding regulatory tools that might be too stringent.
- Anexos:
- 7064.pdf (499.5KB)
- Documento número 7064
- Actualizado el miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017 11:29:53 a. m.
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