- Resultado de buscar: creator:"SMITH Laurel Catherine"
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- Título:
Mediating indigenous identity: video, advocacy, and knowledge in Oaxaca, Mexico
- Autor:
SMITH Laurel Catherine
- Fecha:
- Idioma:
- Descripción:
In the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca, many indigenous communities further their struggles for greater political and cultural autonomy by working with transnational non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Communication technology (what I call comtech) is increasingly vital to these intersecting socio-spatial relations of activism and advocacy. In this dissertation, I examine how comtech offer indigenous individuals and organizations with the means for visualizing their political-cultural agendas. Approaching the access and use of comtech, especially video technologies, as a partial and situated technoscience, I inquire into how and why these activities reconfigure the production and evaluation of authoritative knowledge about indigenous peoples, places, and practices. More specifically, I undertook an organizational ethnography of a small intermediary NGO comprised of individuals who self-identify as indigenous and others who do not, Ojo de Agua Comunicación Indígena, which endeavors to place communication technologies (especially video equipment) at the disposal of indigenous communities.
- Documento número 8299
- Actualizado el jueves, 18 de junio de 2020 05:06:10 a. m.
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