- Resultado de buscar: creator:"TRERÉ Emiliano"
- Se encontraron 3 documentos.
- Título:
“Social movements as information ecologies: exploring the coevolution of multiple internet technologies for activism”
- Autor:
TRERÉ Emiliano
- Colaborador:
(Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro)
- Fecha:
- Idioma:
- Descripción:
Estados Unidos
This article applies the information ecology framework to explore Aula C, the headquarters of an Italian student collective that is part of the Anomalous Wave movement. It draws on multimodal ethnography that includes participant observation and 17 semiestructured interviews. Findings highlight the interrelationship among actors, practices, and technologies that constitute a system characterized by diversity, in which members of radical tech groups act as keystone species. By pointing out the coexistence and coevolution of activists and their tools, this article tries to overcome theorizations that do not considered the whole media environment whit which activists interact. The newest application, it is shown, may in fact not be the most used technology for activism.
- Anexos:
- 6392.pdf (329KB)
- Documento número 6392
- Actualizado el miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017 10:59:11 a. m.
- Enlace directo a este documento
- Título:
"Prácticas comunicativas, mediaciones y resistencia: lecciones aprendidas y perspectivas futuras sobre el activismo digital"
- Autor:
TRERÉ Emiliano
- Colaborador:
(Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro)
- Fecha:
- Descripción:
En torno a la cuestión del papel de las tecnologías respecto a los movimientos sociales, el autor propone como punto de partida, la comprensión de las tecnologías como ambientes complejos que permiten la exploración de interacciones entre actores, prácticas y artefactos integrados en un entorno social.
- Anexos:
- 6976.pdf (174.6KB)
- Documento número 6976
- Actualizado el jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2016 07:43:37 p. m.
- Enlace directo a este documento
- Título:
"The #YoSoy132 movement and the struggle for media democratization in Mexico"
- Autor:
TRERÉ Emiliano
- Fecha:
- Idioma:
- Descripción:
Reino Unido
In this article, we analyze through a political economy of communication lens the historical and political contexts in which the #YoSoy132 movement emerged, the concentration of Mexican media system and the possibilities offered by social media to young people, situating the issue of media democratization at the centre of the #YoSoy132 struggle. Drawing on two groups and four individual interviews, we also focus on the dimension of student´s communication practices in order to provide a more nuanced evaluation of the role played by digital media inside the movement.
- Anexos:
- 6582.pdf (224.4KB)
- Documento número 6582
- Actualizado el jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014 08:09:09 a. m.
- Enlace directo a este documento
- 1-3