- Resultado de buscar: publisher:"The University of Western Ontario"
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- Título:
Black, White, and Red All Over: A Thematic Analysis of Selected Canadian and American Newspapers Coverage of the 1968 Mexico City Massacre
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- Descripción:
This thesis investigated the politically - charged responses of American and Canadian newspapers , the New York Times , Washington Post , Globe and Mail , and Ottawa Citizen , during October 1968 to the Mexico City massacre. Through a qualitative thematic analysis of the se newspapers, dominant themes of the massacre were identified and analyzed us ing Stuart Hall’s encoding/decoding paradigm. In this examination it was found that U.S. newspapers provided knowledgeable and comprehensive reporting of the massacre while Canad ian newspaper s present ed only a cursory examination. The limited coverage of Canadian newspapers was examin ed against other Canadian media sources and official government and Olympic authority reports including: Canadian magazines Maclean’s and Saturday Ni ght , federal government speeches , debates in the House of Commons , and Canadian Olympic Association personal documents and official reports. The se divergent presentation s of t he massacre in their new spaper s reflected the historically unique relationships e ach country had with Mexico , and prominence of the Olympics in world politics .
- Documento número 8274
- Actualizado el miércoles, 17 de junio de 2020 07:40:37 p. m.
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