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- Título:
Comparative analysis of the Telecommunications Directives of the European Union and the respective legislation of Mexico
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- Descripción:
This paper provides a comparative analysis of the electronic communication regulations in the European Union and Mexico. The thesis focuses on the process and implications of the European Union Directives, as well as on the proposal of a full and harmonized regulation in the European Union, and the relatively new legislation and regulations adopted in Mexico to promote and develop the market of telecommunications in the country. It is important to set the growth, development and promotion of competition in the telecommunication market. The European Union is often implementing the best policies, practices, and guidelines to be followed by Member States in order to balance the Internal Market. Different approaches to implementation of policies and diverse forms to implement the Directives into the national laws, made it necessary to investigate the roles and indicate the best practices of implementation and the extent to which Member States implemented the optional clauses of the Directive to their national legislation. Some policies and regulations of Mexico are based on similar models as those applied in the EU, as well as the other practices are formed using new tendencies that could be taken as innovative and straightforward. The comparative analysis will show differences and similarities of the development and different objectives in the telecommunications market implied by the EU and Mexico.
- Documento número 8275
- Actualizado el miércoles, 17 de junio de 2020 07:56:52 p. m.
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