- Resultado de buscar: publisher:"University of Southern California"
- Se encontraron 15 documentos.
- Título:
National differences and international crisis reporting: A gatekeeper study of the 1985 TWA hostage crisis
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- Descripción:
Análisis de cinco periódicos para comparar la cobertura de la crisis de los rehenes del avión de TWA en 1985 (Los Angeles Times, de Estados Unidos, The Jerusalem Post de Israel, Excélsior de Mexico, Keyhan de Irán, y Pravda de la Unión Soviética. Algunas de estas naciones, como Estados Unidos, Israel e Irán estaban directa o indirectamente involucradas en la crisis, mientras que otras como México eran neutrales. Sobre la teoría de la prensa de John Merrill se exploraron cuatro hipótesis sobre la cobertura en términos nacionales. El estudio encontró que cada uno de los cinco diarios trató la crisis de diferente manera, tanto en cuanto espacio dedicado, ubicación del relato, selección de imágenes y elección de términos.
- Documento número 1908
- Actualizado el jueves, 5 de abril de 2012 08:18:25 p. m.
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- Título:
Entertainment-education communication strategies for development.
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Esta es una investigación comparativa de las estrategias de comunicación, con mezclas de lo educativo y el entretenimiento, que se han desarrollado en la música rock, la televisión, la radio, el cine, la prensa y el teatro en muchos lugares del mundo. El estudio trabaja con las telenovelas educativas de Miguel Sabido en México y la serie de televisión Hum Log de la India. El cuestionamiento final del análisis se ubica en la dimensión ética de estas estrategias.
- Documento número 4000
- Actualizado el lunes, 5 de abril de 2010 12:04:35 p. m.
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- Título:
“Analysis of the Film Production District in Mexico City”
- Autor:
- Colaborador:
(Victoria University of Wellington - Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Cuajimalpa)
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- Descripción:
Estados Unidos
Aplicando la teoría de la industrialización geográfica y la economía política de aproximación cultural, los objetivos de este estudio son presentar un diagnóstico de la producción fílmica en la Ciudad de México e intentar llenar los vacíos de conocimiento del desarrollo endógeno de este subsector.
- Anexos:
- 6010.pdf (351.5KB)
- Documento número 6010
- Actualizado el miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017 11:03:45 a. m.
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- Título:
"Spot News Versus Reportage: Newspaper Models, the Distribution of Newsroom Credibility, and Implications for Democratic Journalism in Mexico"
- Autor:
- Colaborador:
(University of Cambridge)
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- Descripción:
Este artículo describe los modelos socio-organizacionales que han desarrollado los periódicos mexicanos en respuesta a la competencia de los medios electrónicos y analiza los efectos que tienen sobre el periodismo democrático, reconocible por el pluralismo y la capacidad de rendición de cuentas.
- Anexos:
- 6170.pdf (287.1KB)
- Documento número 6170
- Actualizado el miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017 10:58:16 a. m.
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- Título:
“Social movements as information ecologies: exploring the coevolution of multiple internet technologies for activism”
- Autor:
TRERÉ Emiliano
- Colaborador:
(Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro)
- Fecha:
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- Descripción:
Estados Unidos
This article applies the information ecology framework to explore Aula C, the headquarters of an Italian student collective that is part of the Anomalous Wave movement. It draws on multimodal ethnography that includes participant observation and 17 semiestructured interviews. Findings highlight the interrelationship among actors, practices, and technologies that constitute a system characterized by diversity, in which members of radical tech groups act as keystone species. By pointing out the coexistence and coevolution of activists and their tools, this article tries to overcome theorizations that do not considered the whole media environment whit which activists interact. The newest application, it is shown, may in fact not be the most used technology for activism.
- Anexos:
- 6392.pdf (329KB)
- Documento número 6392
- Actualizado el miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017 10:59:11 a. m.
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- Título:
“Rocking the vote in Mexico´s 2012 president election: Mexico´s popular music scene´s used of media in post-Arab spring context"
- Autor:
RED Magdelana
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- Descripción:
Estados Unidos
This article examines the use of information and communication technologies and social networking sites by the movement Músicos YoSoy132 in the lead-up to Mexico´s July 2012 presidential election. Much was at stake in this election, as the party that had ruled the country for seven decades through a semi-authoritarian regime was poised to regain power. Question of free and fair elections, media bias, and voter participation were raised as disaffected youth and supposedly apolitical music scene joined forces to impact the election. This article examines these events in a post- Arab spring context that probes some of the assertions and conclusion made by communication scholar about recent happenings in the Middle East and North Africa.
- Anexos:
- 6393.pdf (313.9KB)
- Documento número 6393
- Actualizado el lunes, 10 de febrero de 2014 11:15:17 a. m.
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- Título:
“Account planning in the Mexican advertising industry: a snapshot of a discipline in growth”
- Autor:
- Colaborador:
(Lasell College)
- Fecha:
- Idioma:
- Descripción:
Estados Unidos
During the 1980s, the advertising industry experienced a series of changes worldwide. As multinational corporations entered new markets, their advertising partners followed suit by either merging with purchasing local agencies. Many of these changes where a direct consequence of the early stages of globalization, manifested in a surge in neoliberal policies around the world (Leslie, 1995). For advertising practitioners, this has had important consequences that academics are just now exploring. In many instances, it is too early to comprehend the ramification of concentration of marketing communication agencies into global conglomerates. However, as advertising agencies work in tandem with their large corporate clients in multiple nations, there appears to be a push toward the standardization of business practices.
- Anexos:
- 6438.pdf (373.5KB)
- Documento número 6438
- Actualizado el miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017 11:01:14 a. m.
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- Título:
"Examining the Practices That Mexican Journalists Employ to Reduce Risk in a Context of Violence"
- Autor:
- Colaborador:
(University of Miami - Universidad Iberoamericana)
- Fecha:
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- Descripción:
Research on journalists working in contexts of risk has examined either war correspondents on temporary assignments or the psychological effects of covering traumatic events, usually after the events have ended. Although these studies are important, they fail to account for the growing importance of ongoing violence in insecure democracies and its possible consequences for national journalistic practice. We address these issues by examining journalists’ risk-reduction practices in Mexico, including self-censorship, following company censorship policies, curtailing street reporting, and concealing sensitive information. Using logistic regressions, we tested occupational, organizational, normative, and contextual conditions as predictors of engagement in these practices. Findings reveal the pervasiveness of risk-reduction practices in Mexico and the complexity of conditions prompting their use, including conditions related to antipress violence, dangerous newsbeats, and the economic insecurity of media firms but also voicing greater support for assertive professional norms. The research sets a baseline for future comparative research that includes greater attention to subnational conditions, dangerous newsbeats, and how violence and uneven state capacity may undermine the economic conditions of media firms.
- Anexos:
- 7059.pdf (451.7KB)
- Documento número 7059
- Actualizado el miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017 11:04:23 a. m.
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- Título:
"Alternative Media in Latin American Grassroots Integration: Building Networks and New Agendas"
- Autor:
PARRA Daniela
- Colaborador:
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- Descripción:
In recent years, Latin America has experienced different integration initiatives aimed to cultivate a more unified and sovereign position in the world. However, the neodevelopmentalist and extractivist policies that characterize some of those initiatives have been rejected by social movements. In awareness of the vital importance of communication, alternative media projects are promoting grassroots integration through new agendas, narratives, and aesthetics in Latin America. This article shows the important role these projects have in the articulation of regional social struggles in order to promote coordinated actions concerning common issues and alternatives to the rationale of dominant media.
- Anexos:
- 7061.pdf (309.5KB)
- Documento número 7061
- Actualizado el miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017 11:16:02 a. m.
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- Título:
"Challenging Mainstream Media Systems Through Social Media: A Comparative Study of the Facebook Profiles of Two Latin American Student Movements"
- Autor:
- Colaborador:
(Universidad de Chile)
- Fecha:
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- Descripción:
This article analyzes social movements’ appropriations of social media for challenging mainstream media systems. The study includes two recent Latin American student movements: the Mexican movement #YoSoy132 and the Chilean student movement. A quantitative-qualitative methodology was used to compare their appropriations of social media, which included a statistical analysis of the Facebook profiles of both movements during a selected period of time and Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis of the contents posted and interviews with participants. The findings indicate that there are some relevant specific trends in the appropriation of social media for this specific purpose, mediated by dimensions such as the demands, goals, political communication context, online or offline nature of the mobilization, and organizational characteristics of the movement.
- Anexos:
- 7062.pdf (315.9KB)
- Documento número 7062
- Actualizado el miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017 11:20:53 a. m.
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