- Resultado de buscar: publisher:"University of Texas, Austin"
- Se encontraron 18 documentos.
- Título:
The uses of radio by ethnic minorities in Mexico: a study of a participatory project.
- Autor:
VARGAS MÁRQUEZ Lucila del Carmen
- Fecha:
- Descripción:
Esta es una investigación empírica sobre las posibilidades y restricciones de la radio participativa en el mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida, el sentido de autosuficiencia y la autoestima de los pobres. Es un estudio de caso en la matriz de interacciones entre un proyecto de radio participativa y sus supuestos beneficiarios, el Instituto Nacional Indigenista y comunidades indígenas chiapanecas.
- Documento número 3991
- Actualizado el lunes, 5 de abril de 2010 12:04:35 p. m.
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- Título:
Commercial broadcast regulation: structures and processes in Mexico and the United States
- Autor:
MAHAN Mary Elizabeth
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- Descripción:
Desde una perspectiva institucional, que incluye las racionalidades legales, políticas y económicas del control estatal de la industria de la radiodifusión, los roles formales de los agentes legalmente reconocidos, las interacciones entre los participantes involucrados y las relaciones entre las metas formales de la regulación de la radiodifusión y sus resultados, la tesis compara los regímenes de regulación de los medios en México y Estados Unidos.
- Documento número 3993
- Actualizado el lunes, 5 de abril de 2010 12:04:35 p. m.
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- Título:
Purchasing patterns, life-style, and demographics among middle class Mexican-Americans and Mexicans: a market segmentation study
- Autor:
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- Descripción:
El propósito de este estudio es comparar los patrones de compra, estilos de vida y factores demográficos entre México-americanos de Austin, Texas y mexicanos de la ciudad de México. Se realizó mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario, y analizar en términos estadísticos las diferencias encontradas, en el marco de un estudio de segmentación de mercados.
- Documento número 3995
- Actualizado el lunes, 5 de abril de 2010 12:04:35 p. m.
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- Título:
Tracing symbolic spaces in border art: de este y del otro lado.
- Autor:
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- Descripción:
La frontera entre México y Estados Unidos se escapa a una definición rígida en las artes y la cultura de los "fronterizos" (los que viven del lado mexicano y de los "chicanos". Aunque la división geopolítica es una realidad desafiante para la vida cotidiana en la frontera, la ambigüedad cultural de los fronterizos y los chicanos es clave para entender el arte producido durante los últimos 30 años.
- Documento número 4245
- Actualizado el lunes, 5 de abril de 2010 12:04:38 p. m.
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- Título:
The incursion of Azteca America into the U.S. Latino media
- Autor:
PIÑÓN LÓPEZ Juan de Dios
- Fecha:
- Idioma:
- Descripción:
This dissertation investigates the dynamics of production surrounding United States Spanish-language television by analyzing the strategies followed by newcomer Azteca America in it attempts to become an attractive television option for latinos. Given the scarcity of research on the production approach of U.S. Latino media, this study interrogates the site of production of Spanish-language television—that is, the site in which professional routines and presumably legitimate knowledge about audiences are the basis for the reproduction of particular representations of Latinos in the United States. The incursion of Azteca America into this realm allows me to reflect on the structural and complex relationship between the U.S. Latino and Mexican television industries.
- Documento número 8300
- Actualizado el jueves, 18 de junio de 2020 05:11:19 a. m.
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- Título:
William Jenkins, Business Elites, and the Evolution of the Mexican State: 1910-1960
- Autor:
PAXMAN Andrew William
- Fecha:
- Idioma:
- Descripción:
This is a biographical case study of Mexican industrialization, focusing on expatriate U.S. businessman William O. Jenkins (1878-1963). I trace Jenkins’ career in textiles, land speculation, sugar, banking, and film, using it as a forum for themes that flesh out the economic and political history of modern Mexico. Chief among these themes are Mexico’s substantial but socially unequal capitalistic development; interdependent relationships between business elites and the state; the role of the regions in Mexican development; and a tradition of viewing U.S. industrialists as enemies of national progress. I use Jenkins to illustrate the ability of Mexico’s business elite to negotiate the hazards of the 1910-1920 Revolution and the property expropriations that followed.
- Documento número 8301
- Actualizado el viernes, 19 de junio de 2020 12:11:15 a. m.
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- Título:
Who Sets the Media Agenda? News vs. Advertising
- Autor:
FLORES GUTIÉRREZ María de los Ángeles
- Fecha:
- Idioma:
- Descripción:
Grounded in the theory of intra-media agenda -setting, this research will analyze the dynamic process among the Mexican national television networks during the 2006 presidential election campaign period. Specifically, what were the intra-media agenda-setting effects between the Mexican television media Televisa and TV Azteca during the 2006 presidential election campaign? The television content analysis data set is from a systematic random sample of national Mexican prime time television news programs broadcast during the official Instituto Federal Electoral's (Federal Electoral Institute) presidential campaign period, which runs from January 19 to June 28, 2006. The Mexican television newscasts that were analyzed are Televisa's El Noticiero con Joaquín López Dóriga, and TV Azteca's Hechos de la Noche . Overall, the results indicated that television news strongly influences a presidential candidate’s television political spots.
- Documento número 8302
- Actualizado el viernes, 19 de junio de 2020 12:19:36 a. m.
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- Título:
La figura mítica de Pancho Villa como ícono de identidad nacional y masculinidad en México y en la frontera México-Estados Unidos a través de la literatura y el cine
- Autor:
CHÁVEZ Cuitláhuac
- Fecha:
- Idioma:
- Descripción:
In my dissertation I show how the hegemonic power of the post revolutionary state in Mexico utilized the figure of legendary Pancho Villa in literature and cinematography to create a national myth that represents a consensus in a mestizo patriarchal Christian society. I examine how the use and abuse of the image of Villa in post - revolutionary literary works and films caused this figure to acquire mythical characteristics and dimensions, and to become a key element in the construction of national identity and masculinity in Mexico. I argue that the figure of Villa is a confirmation of a traditional rather than a revolutionary proposal in gender terms. Equally important, I demonstrate how the literature and film of the Mexican revolution constitute instrumental devices for the formation of masculinity and the strengthening of a homosocial culture in the Mexico’s vi post - revolutionary stage, a process that would later determine the structure of the Mexican state.
- Documento número 8303
- Actualizado el viernes, 19 de junio de 2020 12:23:31 a. m.
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