- Resultado de buscar: source:"Tesis de Maestría"
- Se encontraron 536 documentos.
- Título:
Black, White, and Red All Over: A Thematic Analysis of Selected Canadian and American Newspapers Coverage of the 1968 Mexico City Massacre
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This thesis investigated the politically - charged responses of American and Canadian newspapers , the New York Times , Washington Post , Globe and Mail , and Ottawa Citizen , during October 1968 to the Mexico City massacre. Through a qualitative thematic analysis of the se newspapers, dominant themes of the massacre were identified and analyzed us ing Stuart Hall’s encoding/decoding paradigm. In this examination it was found that U.S. newspapers provided knowledgeable and comprehensive reporting of the massacre while Canad ian newspaper s present ed only a cursory examination. The limited coverage of Canadian newspapers was examin ed against other Canadian media sources and official government and Olympic authority reports including: Canadian magazines Maclean’s and Saturday Ni ght , federal government speeches , debates in the House of Commons , and Canadian Olympic Association personal documents and official reports. The se divergent presentation s of t he massacre in their new spaper s reflected the historically unique relationships e ach country had with Mexico , and prominence of the Olympics in world politics .
- Documento número 8274
- Actualizado el miércoles, 17 de junio de 2020 07:40:37 p. m.
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Comparative analysis of the Telecommunications Directives of the European Union and the respective legislation of Mexico
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This paper provides a comparative analysis of the electronic communication regulations in the European Union and Mexico. The thesis focuses on the process and implications of the European Union Directives, as well as on the proposal of a full and harmonized regulation in the European Union, and the relatively new legislation and regulations adopted in Mexico to promote and develop the market of telecommunications in the country. It is important to set the growth, development and promotion of competition in the telecommunication market. The European Union is often implementing the best policies, practices, and guidelines to be followed by Member States in order to balance the Internal Market. Different approaches to implementation of policies and diverse forms to implement the Directives into the national laws, made it necessary to investigate the roles and indicate the best practices of implementation and the extent to which Member States implemented the optional clauses of the Directive to their national legislation. Some policies and regulations of Mexico are based on similar models as those applied in the EU, as well as the other practices are formed using new tendencies that could be taken as innovative and straightforward. The comparative analysis will show differences and similarities of the development and different objectives in the telecommunications market implied by the EU and Mexico.
- Documento número 8275
- Actualizado el miércoles, 17 de junio de 2020 07:56:52 p. m.
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- Título:
The discursive representations of Borderlands: an analysis of visual culture and conceptions of place occurring at the US-Mexico border
- Autor:
KOFOED Emily Sue
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- Descripción:
Geographical borders represent a clash of cultures. Those inhabiting or moving through borderlands struggle to maintain a sense of place and, in turn, an understanding of cultural collective memory. This project strives to understand how the vis ual and discursive elements that constitute the U.S. Mexico border function rhetorically to communicate difference and establish place. By utilizing a social semiotics perspective, I analyzed visual rhetoric of the U.S. - Mexico border in the form of photographs and maps produced in both the United States and Mexico. Additionally, a theory of cultural memory was used to explore the confluence of events and rhetorical phenomena that shape the U.S.- Mexico border, and allow the U.S.-Mexico border to shape the rhetoric of the countries it divides. I argued that borders are inherently rhetorical and the intersection of visual elements, culture, place and memory make borders important to understand from an anthropological, and geographical perspective, as well as a rhetorical one. This project holds political and social implications for the relationship between the United States and Mexico, and reveals key findings regarding how cultural identity is negotiated in fragmented places like borderlands.
- Documento número 8277
- Actualizado el miércoles, 17 de junio de 2020 08:20:32 p. m.
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- Título:
Borders, Bridges, and Beer: Performances of Cultural Identities in the Washington Birthday Celebration
- Autor:
RAMOS Diana Carolina
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- Descripción:
In this study I describe how individuals living in Laredo, Texas, a city situated in the U.S. - Mexico border region, make sense of their identities through their experiences in the Washington Birthday Celebration (WBC). By focusing on communication as means for creating cultural identities, this study provides insight into how communication is used in the construction and performance of cultural identities. Specifically, I focus on The Society of Martha Washington, one of the several affiliate organizations that participates in the WBC, in order to answer the following research questions about the enactment of cultural identities in the WBC: (1) What cultural identities are enacted at the WBC and how do participants use communication to enact these expressed identities? How do participants enact their cultural identities beyond the WBC? I argue that although the WBC is intended to foster a collective identity, it poses a problematic contradiction since it implicates the enactment of various identities wherein status differentials are enhanced.
- Documento número 8279
- Actualizado el miércoles, 17 de junio de 2020 08:43:30 p. m.
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- Título:
Climate change and global warming in the Media: a content analysis of the Mexican newspaper El Universal
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The amount of coverage the media dedicate to climate change, along with how they frame the issue, can influence audience awareness, perception, and understanding of climate change. These aspects of climate change coverage have varied among countries, and few studies have analyzed coverage by Mexican media. This study analyzed 1047 climate change stories published by the Mexican newspaper El Universal from 2007 and through 2015. Three research questions were addressed: (1) If the amount of climate change coverage in El Universal varied over time, with what events, if any, did these changes appear to be associated? (2) What frames has El Universal used in its stories about climate change? (3) If El Universal attributed information to specific sources, what sources did it identify? Stories analyzed were identified and accessed through the LexisNexis database.
- Documento número 8280
- Actualizado el miércoles, 17 de junio de 2020 08:48:26 p. m.
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- Título:
Las Hijas de Violencia: Performance, the Street, and Online Discourse
- Autor:
SNIDER Madison M.
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- Descripción:
This paper explores street harassment as a contentious practice in the rhetorical spaces of the street and social media posting through a case study of the performance group Las Hijas de Violencia. Through anarchistic direct action resistance tactics, the group confronted harassers in the streets of Mexico City and their recordings launched global media interest which led to viral online sharing. Widespread sharing of their performance led to the creation of public discursive space, through comments sections, which was utilized to measure attitudes toward street harassment and feminist direct action protest. Contextualized in a growing call for an end to street harassment, this is the first critical inquiry into Las Hijas de Violencia. Their tactics and subsequent interpretations by viewers are approached critically and through an interpretive thematic analysis in order to g ain insight into hegemonic power that dictates gendered behaviors in public space, both on and offline.
- Documento número 8281
- Actualizado el miércoles, 17 de junio de 2020 08:52:17 p. m.
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- Título:
La redacción en los estudiantes universitarios de Monterrey, ¿evolución o deterioro?
- Autor:
FONSECA YARENA Maria del Socorro
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- Descripción:
En el proceso de la comunicación humana, el lenguaje escrito es uno de los códigos más utilizados para la transmisión de un mensaje y es quizá, el que refleja más fielmente el orden y la madurez del pensamiento o razonamiento del hombre. En el proceso dinámico de la historia, el lenguaje cambia, evoluciona con el uso. Así la redacción de los jóvenes estudiantes universitarios también cambia a través del tiempo, sobre todo por la situación en la que se encuentran inmersos: su formación educativa.
- Anexos:
- 8339.pdf (20.9MB)
- Documento número 8339
- Actualizado el martes, 1 de septiembre de 2020 12:49:05 p. m.
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- Título:
La televisión y el aprovechamiento escolar de los niños de primaria (estudio de Monterrey y su área metropolitana)
- Autor:
MARTÍNEZ GARZA Francisco Javer
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- Descripción:
Une investigación realizada por el periódico matutino "El Norte" de la ciudad de Monterrey, Nuevo León, los dias 7, 8, 9 y 10 de abril de 1991 puso de manifiesto el bajo nivel académico que tienen los niños de primaria del área metropolitana de la Ciudad de Monterrey. De la investigación efectuada por el matutino, surgió la idea de realizar la presente investigación. Las conclusiones del "El Norte" , señalan que gran parte de la culpa se debia al magisterio. Sin embargo el presente estudio plantea la posiblidad que no sea una sola variable quien provoca el retroceso en el rendimiento escotar.
- Anexos:
- 8340.pdf (18.8MB)
- Documento número 8340
- Actualizado el martes, 1 de septiembre de 2020 12:52:03 p. m.
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- Título:
La representación de los precandidatos en la prensa regiomontana.
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- Descripción:
En estos momentos, a fines del Siglo XX en México, los medios de información se han abierto a la ciudadanía, particularmente a los partidos políticos, difundiendo cada vez más información de sus puntos de vista y de sus actividades. Esto sucede a pesar de que hace menos de un lustro eran criticados por difundir inequitativamente las versiones del partido político en el gobierno.
- Anexos:
- 8344.pdf (16.5MB)
- Documento número 8344
- Actualizado el martes, 1 de septiembre de 2020 01:10:18 p. m.
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- Título:
La Internet en el contexto del uso de los medios de la comunicación
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- Descripción:
La Red nos ofrece capacidades mayores a las de la televisión, radio o prensa conjuntos, porque es realmente mundial e interactiva. La Internet como los otros medios nuevos va a cambiar códigos culturales. Hoy Internet esta en la fase de transición, cambiando, evolucionando creciendo en lo que va a ser su forma final. Como con cada medio nuevo, la Red presta formas de otros medios para definir los suyos. Actualmente nosotros, asustados con su complejidad, somos los que tratan de ajustarlo a las formas y modelos previos, ajustar algo que nos parece cómodo, terminología ya conocida y modelos económicos ya usados.
- Anexos:
- 8345.pdf (10.7MB)
- Documento número 8345
- Actualizado el miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2020 10:47:14 a. m.
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